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16 Tips to save money - Part 2

Published 12/30/2020

16 Tips to save money - Part 2

This time we will be sharing with you the second part of our article "16 TIPS TO SAVE MONEY", hope you have enjoyed part 1!

9. Use discount coupons carefully

Regarding discount coupons, there are two schools. Those who say the time spent cutting them isn't really worth it in the end. And the others who say that the savings are still interesting. Here is my advice: be demanding with discount coupons! Spending hours carving up coupons isn't really worth it. But on the other hand, if you need to buy an essential device that is expensive (such as a fridge or an oven), consider looking for coupon codes to pay less.

10. Check Your Bank Statements

Never forget to check your bank statements at the end of each month. It is not uncommon to have withdrawals from your bank or other institutions that are not justified. These bank and other charges can easily go unnoticed if you don't carefully check your accounts every month. In any case, as soon as you see a direct debit that you do not understand, call your bank or the institution in question and ask for an explanation.

11. Set up an emergency fund

Creating an emergency fund is essential to avoid having to take out credit in the event of a hard blow. Why? Because adding a loan that is difficult to pay can quickly turn into a disaster. Try to have an emergency fund for at least $1,000. Obviously, if it is a sum too large, it is better to have a smaller emergency fund than not have any at all. Even if you only put $30 per month in your emergency fund, you will be on the right track.

12. Use the 30-day rule

Before you make a big expense, use the 30 day rule. What is that? It is waiting 30 days before making a purchase. If after 30 days you still want the item in question, then you may consider purchasing it. But often you will find that you don't really want or need it anymore. This rule allows you to avoid compulsive shopping which is mainly due to excitement or your emotions towards a product.

13. Lower the heating one degree

During the winter, lower your heating by one degree. You won't even feel the difference. And the next month you can cool down another degree again without any problem because you will have become accustomed to the new temperature. Note that you can save up to 20% on your bills by lowering the temperature by just 3 ° C.

14. Renovate your furniture

Do you want to change a piece of furniture in your interior, for example bathroom furniture? Before buying new ones, have you thought about renovating them? Repainting them can often be enough to give them a facelift and it will cost you much less. Nowadays, there are specific paints for all types of materials. Choose the paint and brushes suitable for your new decor. Never forget the home-staging solution before buying anything new.

15. Buy in the right place

Well-known department stores are not the only options for shopping. Don't forget to look on the Internet as well as in stores near you. We are used to comparing prices online, but have you thought about comparing them in stores near you? You might be pleasantly surprised. Some wholesale stores have very attractive prices. Well no, they don't just sell old-fashioned things! Oftentimes, when you find what you are looking for, you can save hundreds of dollars or more. For my part, I found a very nice bathroom tile in one of these stores, at half the price. I walk past it every day and hadn't thought about it. I did well to stop there.

16. Lower your interest rates

If you have debt, the interest rates can be quite heavy. And it can sink you even deeper. Simply call your bank to ask them for a lower rate. Often, you will not need to argue, they can lower your interest rates without discussion. So remember to negotiate with them, they will sometimes be much happier to see you paying less, than not to see you paying at all.

17. Cut Your Costly Habits

If you're trying to save money, your habits can be your worst enemy. For example, the cost of cigarettes or alcohol can quickly climb. If you can't do without it completely, at least try cutting back. Imagine: if you buy one less pack of cigarettes per week, you will save around $35 each month. By realizing the savings you could make by cutting back some of your habits, it could open your eyes to another advantage and make you stop them altogether.

And There you go! You now know the 16 little tips to save your money :-) We hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and share with your friends so they can save money too!

If you missed the first part you can check it here.

At El Paisa Multiservices we want to help you with your financial movements. You can contact us if you have questions about our services.

By Ingenuity & Solutions


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